How To Make Sun Tea At Home

The last few weeks have been hot as all get out. I’ll be the first to tell you I love a good hot day but this is simply ridiculous. I will not complain (because I prefer summer over the winter). I will simply adjust to my environment.

Hot weather equates to a tall glass of iced tea.

Bella Mae’s Tea blends are not only lovely when hot but it’s makes a refreshing iced/sun tea. Recently, I decided to make sun tea using ‘With Love‘, a Bella Mae’s Tea blend. Since the sun wants to show it’s face so much, you might as well take advantage. It’s simple and delicious. All you need are a few supplies, time, and of course a bit of sunshine. Here’s how to make sun tea at home…


  • 2 tablespoons of a Bella Mae’s Tea blend
  • 1 Mason jar or glass container (with lid)
  • 1 Med. size tea strainer or tea bag filter
  • 32 oz. Filtered water


  1. Add tea blend to strainer. If the mesh of the strainer is fine, it is less likely the herbs and tea leaves will be released into the water.
  2. Add strainer to mason jar filled with water. Close jar tightly.
  3. Place container in an area that will receive plenty of sun and will not be disturbed. Move the container if necessary to receive maximum sunlight.
  4. Check mason jar every hour until the desired color and flavor is reached. Sun tea usually takes 2-3 hours to steep.
  5. Once steeped, remove from the sun. Sweeten accordingly. Add ice and garnish with a lemon/lime slice.

Yields approx. 4 cups of tea.

Sun tea will have a slightly different flavor than hot brewed tea and iced tea (made from cold water). As it has been in the sun for a few hours, it’s best to refrigerate once removed from the sun. It is recommended to drink within 2-3 days.

If you are interested in how I made this thirst-quenching drink at home, check my Instagram story. If you decide to try it, comment below. Don’t forget to tag me on Instagram.

..because it’s peace

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